Karen and I took Juliet to the doctors this morning for her four month check-up! She's 16 lbs., 15.5 ounces - or after a good drink of milk, an even 17 pounds. This is 95th percentile territory.
After a car ride around town, she was exhausted and is down for her afternoon nap.. so a few pictures of her while she sleeps. The cow is her new favorite toy - we've named him Archibald (or "Archie" to his friends).
Now that shes getting big enough to sit up, she has a fabulous new Exersaucer thanks to Grandma Nancy! She's just starting to explore it, but it already makes her smile.
So I was organizing my 45's this afternoon and came across a Kink's record that Juliet seemed to enjoy! Here's a little video snippet. She sure loves to wiggle and smile and play..
To round out the musical theme - here are a few pictures of Juliet looking at album covers - one of her new favorite things!