Saturday, August 28, 2010

End of August..

Now that we're settling into the new place we're doing a bit of exploring in the neighborhood. Yesterday I took Juliet up to Takoma Park to play on the playground there - but realized that she's still just a little small for the equipment and has much more fun just sitting in the grass!

The complete set of photos is up here.

And now a few videos..

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

New House Tour!

So we shot this very special (almost 8 minute long) video last night showing off our new place! We really hope you enjoy it.. and come visit!

Grandma Nancy's Visit

Grandma Nancy came to town on Friday morning and we had a wonderful weekend! It was nice to have a visitor break in our new guest quarters downstairs.

She watched Juliet while Karen and I finished unpacking and then we were able to go out and have some fun... Best of all, on Saturday afternoon, we took a trip to the Zoo and saw the elusive sloth bear and some Chinese river otters!

Now a few pictures:

And a video:

Monday, August 23, 2010

Moving In!

So, now that the internet is set up, look out for a flurry of blog posts!

For starters, here are a few pictures of Juliet helping us unpack and playing in her new room..

The complete set of pictures can be seen here.

And, finally, a video of her helping out in the basement:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Status Update

Hello avid blog readers!

Just a quick update to let you know what's up here at the new place:

First, our internet won't be hooked up until Monday the 23rd - so no new posts with content until then (right now we're borrowing internet from the public school across the street - so our connection speed is less than ideal and not terribly reliable).

And second, somehow, during the move, our camera was misplaced! It'll turn up eventually (it's not in the old place - that much we know for sure). Until then, I'm going to keep shooting videos and hope the camera turns up before too long..

But we're settling into our new place quite nicely. It's quite an adjustment to suddenly have so much space to navigate! Most of the important stuff is already unpacked and we're making good progress on the rest.. videos (and hopefully pictures) soon!


B, K, and J

Friday, August 13, 2010

Of tongues, standing, and fresh broccoli

So here's a new set of photos showing of J just generally being adorable. She's getting really good at standing, eating food off the table, and cutest of all, she discovered her tongue and loves to stick it out - just for fun! Starting some time tomorrow we'll be entering an internet blackout as we move, but we'll be back online (hopefully) early next week with some fresh new pictures in the new house..

The complete set is available here.

And now, a video of J showing off her tongue!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

And now, more videos!

Today I shot some videos - but before we get to those, here are a few outtakes from the photos I posted yesterday:

And now for the main event - the videos! The first one is of her morning nap - and her napping buddy, Puma:

Next up is some laughing at dad's tiger noises:

And then a good old fashioned hallway crawl:

And last, but not least, a full two minute clip of Juliet on the move just before her bath:

Monday, August 9, 2010

Moving day is coming soon..

So now that I'm home with Juliet all day, I'm realizing, more and more, just how wonderful she is! Today was full of smiles, and boxes, and more smiles. And naps. Lots of good, long, delicious naps.

Here are a few pictures of her helping me pack (the complete set can be viewed here):

And, because there haven't been many videos lately, here are a few showing off her (vastly improved) crawling skills. She moves so fast it's hard to show off just how good she is!:

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Musical Packing Helper

Juliet is weathering the tornado of packing and moving preparation admirably! She really enjoys watching us work and "helping' where necessary.

Her latest developments are her ability to "skim" along pieces of furniture and pivot from one to the other while standing, an amazing ability to play the ukelele, and the ability to extract a record from it's sleeve and take a long look at it. All are excellent skills that should prove useful in the years to come (perhaps standing will be more useful than record extraction, but, well..).

The complete set of images is up here.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Nine Months!

Yes, it's hard for us to believe too! Nine months already! At her nine month doctor's visit we learned that she's 21 pounds, 7 ounces and 28 inches long. But the best part of the doctor's visit? No shots this time!

Her big developments over the past week or so are that she can crawl pretty much anywhere she wants to go, can pull herself up and stand, and is babbling pretty much all the time. We told the doctor that she pauses between babbles and waits for you to respond and she said this was called "conversational babbling" and seemed impressed that Juliet was already doing it.

Anyway, enough words - here are a few pictures from the past week! The camera battery died on Saturday, but is charging now - so new pictures soon!