Sunday, January 30, 2011

Playing with Beans

We went over to Matt and Kim's for dinner last night and had a lovely time playing games and talking. Kim said that when their daughter(now 5) was Juliet's age she used to love playing with dried beans - so we got some out this afternoon!

More beans - and a Kodachrome dance break at 0:58!

And Mother and Child Reunion, featuring an actual reunion at the end!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So Many Super Cute Videos

We have slowly catching Juliet in some very cute videos. It's time to share!

A little Dylan goes a long way...

Where is the baby?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

More Pictures from Claire

Juliet sat for a few more shots when we were visiting Claire. She's modeling her long-coast and fuzzy pink boots!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Feeling a bit better!

So after our busy weekend, Juliet came down with a bit of a cold Sunday night and Monday. But tonight, when Dad got home, she was feeling better! Here are a few videos of family after-dinner play time..

Helping throw out some trash:

Basketball and Squirmy Worm:

Attack of the Tickle Monster:

Blueberries are Delicious:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas and Cookies!

Here are some pictures from last weekend!

First, our Christmas:

Then a few of us making cookies and goofing around - sticking out our tongue!

A trip to the Hirschorn

It was a lovely grey rainy day today, so that meant it was time for a trip to a museum! Dad took her to the Hirschorn to check out the paintings - which she did, but she really loved exploring the interior courtyard with all the sculpture, and checking out some of the video / projection pieces!

She made lots of new friends (one woman asked me "Turning her into an art lover are we?"), gave the guards high-fives, and rode the escalator like a big girl (both up and down).

Outside it was sprinkling a little, but that didn't stop us from checking out the puddles and the outdoor sculpture for a second!

A New Years Eve Trip to the Park

With the weather a balmy 50 here in DC, dad took Juliet to the park in her new, vaguely Volkswagon, car!

She loves to explore - and once I set her down she was off. So much to do, so much to see.

Here are some videos -

Setting off!


And exploring!