Friday, April 30, 2010

Archived Shots

So I've decided to add a new feature to the blog - in addition to the photos selected for the blog posts, I'll include a link to the full set of pictures, so you can find your own favorites!

Here are links to the three sets from yesterday (and I'll include a link in each new album):

Pirates - 4-18-10

Smiles - 4-24-10

Zoo Trip - 4-29-10

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Half Birthday Zoo Trip!

It was sunny and just a tiny bit windy today, so Dad & Juliet got suited up and headed off for the zoo! She slept most of the way down, but woke up in time to check out the Big Cats and the Kids Farm. After all of that, we needed a break so laid on a blanket in the grass and hung out for a while. Blue skies, smiles, good times..

Wednesday Smiles!

Now for part two of the half-birthday posts! Here are some grins from earlier this week and some beautiful shots of the two most wonderful girls in the world:

Catching up!

It's been a while since the last post - but I've finally pulled the memory stick out of the camera and am ready to make up for lost time. Since today's her 6 month birthday, here's a series of three posts!

The first one, here, is a few photos taken about two weeks ago as she played with her pirate ship! The brave pirates Matt and Steve have many adventures, sometimes with their friend the octopus Ocho Sinko.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Of Pirates and Rice Cereal...

Here are some post-Easter shots that I thought I'd put together into a blog post.. she's eager to eat her Rice Cereal now (and grab the spoon out of my hand) and is really enjoying the adventures of the pirates from the ship that S&S sent us!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

High Chair and ExerSaucer Fun!

And, to round things out, here are a few pictures from earlier this week of Juliet enjoying the warm weather in her Exersaucer and practicing eating a bit of cereal.

Easter Part 2 - Church and Groceries!

So, after a delicious exploration of the Easter basket's treats, we headed off to church and then on to the grocery store! Her new pink dress was really cute, but not the easiest thing to get on and off..

Easter - Part 1 - The Basket!

So Easter morning started off, as every Easter morning should, with a basket full of delicious treats! Juliet seemed far more interested in the paper "grass" though..