Friday, September 14, 2012

Pots and Pans

We usually do a Friday cleanup around here, and today is no exception. After Eva left, I cleaned up the kitchen whole Juliet played by herself. After a half hour, I moved on but J stayed and pulled out some pans and towels to make her own brand of hopscotch.

Oh, and we did Eva's hair.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

First Letters

Juliet tends to make great leaps, and not incremental changes. She needs to study things for a while before she rolls out an often surprising, new skill.

She's learning her letters by learning to write. Her first letter was a b.

I'm so proud.

- K xoxo

Monday, September 10, 2012

First day of send year of preschool

We have a new teacher - Ms Bree. All the kids adore her. J has so much fun.